Monday, April 25, 2011

Last week I shared with you a bit of the hypocrisy of President Obama and the mainstream media in regards to the federal governments debt ceiling. Here's a short video about their hypocrisy vis a vis gas prices. The reality of it is that high gas prices are not the Presidents fault (well, maybe a little bit) and gas prices aren't bad. Prices can't be good or bad they just are what that are. They are a signal to consumers and producers alike to change their behaviors.

What is the Presidents fault is his hypocritical stance of blaming George W. Bush for high gas prices on the campaign trail and telling everyone that he felt their pain. Now that he's in the White House high gas prices are not to be blamed on the President and in fact they are a good thing and the American people should just get used to it.

I can handle a difference of opinion on public policy issues. What I can not stand is hypocrisy, from either side of the debate.

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